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Quest The mystery of the fast train[Квест закрыт]

By Pritokkrovi (Zaporozhye)

  • Players2 – 8
  • Time60 min
  • Price from 700 UAH
  • Difficulty
  • ScarinessNot scary
  • Age8+
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Leonid Zhabotinsky street, 50 ()

120 meters from the stop "st. Yakov Novitsky, next to the store "Computer Service"

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Wi-Fi: false

Parking: no

Waiting room: no


Night, dim light of the compartment, flickering shadows of trees outside the window, rhythmic clatter of wheels... Is this a familiar situation? Only this idyll is darkened by the fact that your train is captured by terrorists and is rushing at full speed towards another train. One hour before the collision, communications and controls are disabled, and passengers and staff are locked in the last cars. You find yourself in the “lucky” 13th carriage, your task is to stop the train and prevent a disaster, otherwise the ticket you bought will really be one way.


Previously, the quest was called "Sherlock. Express" and belonged to the company "Glass of the Brain".

Photo taken from a third-party resource


The cost of the game for a team of 2 to 4 people is from 700 to 900 hryvnia. Surcharge for an additional player – 100 hryvnia

We do not charge a commission for booking a game on the site from the players. If you were given feedback in the quest, please write to us at [email protected]

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